Kreß landschafts.architektur
Inspiration that Creates Open Spaces.
The office of Kreß landschafts.architektur designs and responsibly realizes sustainable open spaces for the future. Its expertise spans from detailed planning to construction supervision. Additionally, Kreß landschafts.architektur supports cost estimation across all project phases.
With dedication, the office owner is involved at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, inspiring the next generation for the diverse “green” profession.
Our Strengths
Kreß landschafts.architektur is characterized by an efficient and transparent approach. Timely and thorough project handling is our priority. Throughout the planning and construction process, we work in a solution-oriented and goal-driven manner for the benefit of all parties involved. We support clients and project partners with innovative expertise, and we embrace the challenges of climate change.
Our Approach
Kreß landschafts.architektur serves clients as a loyal and reliable partner. We see great opportunities in interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve high-quality designs for both people and nature that are convincing and lasting.
Our Goal – Satisfaction for Clients, Project Partners, and Users.